Thursday, January 24, 2008

2 Million iPhone Customers for AT&T

Reuters reports that AT&T has 2 million of its customers who bought an iPhone with the connection in 2007. The news just goes to show how many people bought the iPhone, but does not have a mention of how many people got the iPhone unlocked and are now using on a different service. But either ways, its great news for Apple supporters and its in sync with the Apple's largest quarter results ever.

From Reuters interview:

"We had very solid sales results in October and November and we had almost double sales in December," said Chief Financial Officer Rick Lindner, referring to iPhone sales on the company's quarterly earnings call.

Whoever said that iPhone isn't as much hit as the iPod needs to look at these numbers. 2 million means quite a lot of those cell phones are in the hands of people. And surely Apple has some margins with the exclusivity of AT&T. Hopefully, Apple has already made enough cash to pour in back to R&D for the next version of iPhone. A 3G iPhone should be coming sooner!!

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