Thursday, October 18, 2007

iPhone SDK could open a Pandora's Box

I just received a feed notification about a blog post on Tech-Buzz, about the iPhone SDK when I remembered this post from the wired.

As soon as Steve Jobs, announced the SDK will be released for the iPhone and the iPod Touch in February, I wondered what would happen to AT&T and their exclusivity. Like I mentioned here, the iPhone with its WiFi has a very good scope in the VoIP space. I'm sure this SDK means a lot of help to the developers planning to make VoIP softwares for the iPhone.

But it's not just good news for the good developers. Its also good news for the developers on the evil-side of things... Call them hackers or whatever... these guys have done quite a lot of work on the iPhone already. The Wired article mentions about different vulnerabilities already found on the iPhone and how they can be easily exploited. As more and more softwares are developed and people start installing these, you do open a big Pandora's box. Apple has to take care about these vulnerabilities before giving away the SDK, so that the users are protected from any Virus, Snooping Programs and Trojans that the hackers SDK intends to create.

By releasing the SDK, Apple will make the iPhone/iPod Touch a good platform for apps, but before that, can we have a firmware release that does not just brick the iPhone??

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